Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Random thoughts from April 5th.

i prayed all winter for some heat, and now it has came with a vengeance. it is so flucking hot out...what the fuck! and it's only spring.
i need a job...i say this like everyday...i filled out an application today for a movie theatre, that'd be fun, right? thinking about going ahead and working at six flags like everybody else. it just seems like i'd quit within 2 weeks. first of all, it's wayyy in Arlington...and minimum wage ain't finna pay for my gas like that...and second of all...just imagine being outside in the blazing heat all day, gah! Andre wants me to work at this new Genghis Grill opening up, we'll see. me and him together? we'll get fired in no time.
my best friend wrecked my car...ran it straight into the back of a black bmw. it's alright though, just the license plate is a little bent.
i texted DE again today (yeah yeah, i know)...i keep forgetting to remind myself that he is actively avoiding all contact with me and really doesn't give a damn whether we ever talk again. sad, but i'll get over it i suppose. just thought had someone to talk to about whatever whenever, but sadly i don't. i've been thinking about deleting him from my phone, that way i wouldn't text him or anything cause i don't know the number by heart. i bet he frowns everytime he sees my name pop up on his phone...like "here is this little desperate girl texting me AGAIN"...i wouldn't be shocked if he has already beat me to the punch and deleted me from his phone...hell he's probably trying to figure out a way to block me as i type...i don't know whether or not i should tell him i blogged about him. i kinda do cause i want him to know how i feel, but i kinda don't cause i know he'll go apeshit when he reads this.
feeling nauseous again...which has been happening A LOT lately...what is wrong with me?