Monday, April 5, 2010

going back and forth (RANDOMNESS!@@ ALERT!@)

back blogging again, seems i only blog when something is wrong. ugh. well anyways i'm up late, as usual, just got done watching chris rock's "good hair", it was okay, i guess; entertaining for a documentary to say the least. my ipod is almost dead and i need to plug it up but i really don't feel like it. for some reason my keys seem stuck, like i have to push down hard and shit. anyways.
why am i up late? because i have a million and one things running around in my head right now and i'm addicted to LHCF.
two minutes ago i decided to paint my nails coffee brown. my bf used to say that he could tell my mood just by looking at my nails...wonder what the hell brown means, i'll ask him that tomorrow.
things have been going good between us, no fights or anything. my hair feels dry or something, i gave myself a protein treatment tonight and ugh...we'll see how this braid out looks in the morning.
i'm pretty naked right now and it's still fucking hot as fuck in this room and i have the window open and my fan on high, WTF!
i keep forgetting to download Blu's mixtapes.
Mcnabb got traded to the Redskins...yo wtf do I have to do to get this summinabiznatch out my division?
i got this book called needful things by stephen king...been had it for awhile...only read a little every now and then but it's pretty good...just hadn't the time to sit down and actually read a good portion of it.
i've been working out A everyday, takes my mind off things but when i'm done it's like... "oh"
god this blog post is sounding depressing, lol...well anyways here's some good things to liven it up.
there is seth. i've opened up to him A LOT....we text each other from...well he texts me around late 5am...usually i text back around 6:45am...and we usually text all day long...until around 5 when he leaves his parents and is almost home, we talk on the phone...then there is more texting...and we talk again from 11 to whenever i go to sleep, or pretend to go to sleep. the longest me and him have talked on the phone was 6 hours, and probably our shortest convo was 20 mins, we gets it in, lol. but yeah he has became one of my closest friends, i can almost tell him everything except stuff about monty and my sex life. which sucks cause i really have no one to confide EVERYTHING in anymore since rob is out of my life. i mean my bf is there and sara but there is just some stuff that i can't tell them or they just wouldn't be able to relate to.
i'm getting really emotional writing this for some reason...and i haven't cried in awhile but damn this actually feels good...i need to sleep though...

about to pop to excedrins two knock me out (hopefully), peace.

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